Added lookup data geog_time_identifiers Added z_replace() to replace NA values in tables except for ones in geography and time columns that match ones in geog_time_identifiers.
Patch to update the pretty_num() function so that the dp
argument's default is 0.
Update pretty_num so that:
that allows control over the number of digits displayed after rounding.Add pretty_num_table() which uses pretty_num() to format numbers in a readable format in data frames. It has all the customization provided by pretty_num.
Patch to update the get_clean_sql() function to ignore lines starting with 'USE'.
Add the following lookup data sets into the package:
Add the following fetch_locations() functions:
Add wrapper for ONS Open Geography Portal API:
Add helper for turning messages on or off:
Update comma_sep() function to allow non-numeric values instead of throwing an error, now returns them unchanged.
Add function which creates a DfE R project:
Fix bug in get_clean_sql() where using the additional settings would lose the original SQL statement.
Add pretty_* functions for presenting pretty numbers:
Add helper function for comma separating numbers:
Add function for formatting financial years:
Add reversing functions for academic and financial years:
Add function for grabbing and cleaning a SQL script, and vignette for connecting to SQL.
Add default value to decimal place argument of round_five_up() function.
Relaunch of the package with two functions: